Squishy Circuits for Saint Patrick's Day

Squishy Circuits for Saint Patrick's Day

In a demo at TED U, AnnMarie Thomas shows how two different kinds of homemade play dough can be used to demonstrate electrical properties by lighting up LEDs and spinning motors.

 The goal of the project is to design tools and activities which allow kids of all ages to create circuits and explore electronics using play dough.

There are some interesting ways to explore these circuits in  Resource Centers or school makerspaces. First, you can just display the LEDs, batteries and play dough so that people can experiment on their own. A good tutorial on the table could help people get started. Another option is running sessions  to build a maker mindset and foster a maker culture at the institution. Sessions could be theme based to contextualize a special date or event. Last week, we celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day by showing a video about the celebration, playing celtic music, and inviting participants to make their own electric shamrocks. Try out squishy circuits because they are good tools to help librarians  get started and enrich the users` experience at Resource Centers and libraries.

Sarah - Maker, 29/Jul/2024