Magnetism Mystery Bag Challenge

Magnetism Mystery Bag Challenge

Kids love challenges. They NEED to have space to tinker, play around and fail to become resilient and motivated to learn.

clique para ampliarclique para ampliarMistery Bag (Foto: Christie Burnett)

I was reading a blog post about how to unleash children’s creativity and the brown bag challenge, and I decided to adapt it to teach my English language learners.  In many course books, we have topics like the wilderness, hot and cold, or surviving as a springboard to teach second conditional sentences. What if we had a different lead in to arouse curiosity and gear our class into a dynamic environment using some principles of magnetism?


Tell students that they are lost, and challenge them to invent something using some of the items in the bag to help them out. But, tell them that they will have to do it in groups, it’s NOT a competition, and that they will have only six minutes to play around. Monitor students, and give them some tips when they get stuck.

e.g. What would you really need if you got lost?

What would happen if you hanged the magnet?

What would you need if you wanted to make a compass?

clique para ampliarclique para ampliarThe materials available in the mystery bag were; (Foto: Christie Burnett)

What is in the bag?


Craft sticks and/or tongue depressors

compass rose

Small ring (donut) magnet


Masking or electrical tape



Paper clips



Sarah - Maker, 9/Jul/2024